
Scaling Up Data Efforts With LINK Mobility

The LINK Mobility team wanted to scale up their data efforts and managed to do so by completing their first data project in just seven months with Dataiku. This result would have taken twice the time without Dataiku.

Most companies today recognize data as a valuable tool for providing insight on a variety of business matters, and they use it — to various extents — to inform decisions in the enterprise.

Yet, it is still surprisingly difficult to find cases where analytics are truly at the center of and driving all decision making within the enterprise. Even more rare is finding companies where data isn’t just viewed as something that comes flowing into the company from which insights can be drawn, but instead, something that is in and of itself an opportunity for building products that create a new revenue stream.

LINK Mobility Group is Europe’s leading provider of mobile communications, specializing in mobile messaging services, mobile solutions, and mobile data intelligence. They offer a wide range of scalable services and solutions across industries and sectors due to the growing demand of digital convergence between businesses and customers, platforms and users.


In 2017, LINK Mobility decided that they wanted to scale up their data efforts both when it came to handling internal requests as well as externally with customers. LINK Mobility’s primary offering is mobile messaging services, and they send more than 6 billion messages a year worldwide carrying invoices, payments, and vouchers, associated with everything from loyalty programs to delivery, bank, and flight services.

As such, LINK Mobility produces a lot of data and saw an opportunity to expand their offerings to provide more data-driven insight to customers surrounding the delivery and performance of their messages and services. They were looking to expand to customer dashboards as well as send additional offers based on that data.

However, with just a one-man data science team at the beginning of the project,  LINK Mobility needed to find a tool that would allow them to scale up data requests coming from inside the company as well as to be flexible enough to provide data insights to customers without having to use two different tools or platforms to cover their various needs.

Data as a strategic asset, especially when being used to build entirely new products, is incredibly valuable when it can be done. It provides a competitive edge and stickiness that can catalyze a business ahead in the industry

Thomas W. Köhl,
Vice President of Mobile Intelligence | LINK Mobility Group ASA

LINK Mobility turned to Dataiku because of its ability to quickly facilitate the deployment of revenue – generating monitoring services to customers with a small staff. The LINK Mobility’s team completed their first data project in just seven months which is half the time it would have taken without Dataiku.

By using Dataiku, LINK Mobility is able to:

  • Easily work with large amounts and diverse types of data.
  • Facilitate collaboration and internal communication between business teams and technical staff by providing a single platform in which both are comfortable working.
  • Easily reuse their previous work; in other words, showing how data is transformed in an intuitive way so that other team members can be onboarded easily and all data processes can be quickly explained.
  • Combine coding in notebooks with visual recipes to speed up analysis.
  • Use the go-to tool for any data needs.

Thanks to Dataiku, LINK Mobility: 

  • Is 2x faster in building data projects.
  • Is flexible and can continue to grow and shift their data strategy and vision for future data products without having to switch tools.
  • Offers value-added customer dashboards that provide insights on messaging services.
  • Is expected to add substantial additional revenue and cut costs from preventing customer churn as well as increasing the overall stickiness of the company and its services.

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